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The Planning Commission meets the second Monday of each month at the Spanish Fort Community Center, 7361 Spanish Fort Boulevard. Meetings begin with an informal work session at 6:00 PM, followed by the regular meeting at 6:30 PM. Informal work sessions are held on the last Monday of the month, as needed, for the review and discussion of issues submitted for consideration on the following month’s meeting agenda. Informal work sessions are held in the Conference Room at Spanish Fort Community Center, beginning at 6:00 PM. 


The Board of Adjustment (BOA) is an independent, quasi-judicial body. The Board is empowered to grant relief from the strict application of the City’s zoning regulations (variances), approve certain uses of land (special exceptions), and hear administrative appeals. The Board’s five members and two supernumerary members are volunteer Spanish Fort citizens appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.

Meetings for the Board of Adjustment are scheduled on an as-needed basis, should an appeal be submitted for review, and are held in the Conference Room at Spanish Fort City Hall, 7361 Spanish Fort Boulevard. 



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7361 Spanish Fort Boulevard

Spanish Fort, Alabama 36527

Phone | 251-626-4884

Fax | 251-626-4880

Monday - Friday | 8 am - 4:30 pm

Saturday and Sunday | CLOSED

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