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The City of Spanish Fort will hold elections for Mayor and City Council Districts 1-5 on August 26, 2025. If a runoff election is needed, the election will be held on September 23, 2025. Polls will be open on Election Day from 7am to 7pm.  The Voting location will be the Spanish Fort Community Center, 7361 Spanish Fort Blvd., Spanish Fort, Alabama 36527.  

For questions regarding the municipal election, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 251-626-4884 or by email at


Each user by using any information on this website certifies that it is understood that the information and materials received have been provided as a service and that it is not intended to take the place of independent legal advice relating to the responsibilities as a candidate pursuant to Alabama Law. Each user further certifies that it is understood that it is the candidate’s responsibility to independently verify any information received herein.

Any use or reliance on the information contained in this document and these materials is at the sole risk of the user.  The City of Spanish Fort, its officers, employees and agents hereby disclaim any responsibility or liability which may arise or result from the use or implementation of all or any portion of the advice or materials thereof included in this website, document, hyperlinks, message, and/or attachments.

Qualifications of Candidates

Section 11-43-1, Code of Alabama 1975 provides that every mayor, councilmember and officer elected by the whole electorate of the city or town shall be a resident and qualified elector of the city or town at the time they qualify to run for office and shall reside within the limits of the city or town during the term of office. Councilmembers elected from districts are required to reside within the limits of the districts from which they were elected during their terms of office. Additionally, all candidates must have been residents of the municipality for at least 90 days prior to the election and be a qualified elector at the time of filing of the statement of candidacy. Sections 11-46-22(b) and 11-46-25, Code of Alabama 1975. Similarly, candidates for election from wards must have been a resident of the ward they seek to serve for at least 90 days prior to the election. Section 11-43-63, Code of Alabama 1975.

Municipal Elections Calendar

The Alabama Municipal Elections Calendar may be found by clicking the button below:

Duties of the Mayor and Council

The Mayor serves as the head of the executive branch and oversees the day to day operations of the City.  In cities under 12,000, such as Spanish Fort, the Mayor also presides over the City Council and serves as a voting member.  The City Council serves as the legislative branch of the City, with authority over finances and property of the City.  The City Council also establishes policies, adopts ordinances and has authority over all legislative powers of the government.  To obtain a better understanding of the duties and separation of powers in municipal government, please click here

What Every Candidate Needs to Know

Information on municipal  government operations for potential candidates may be found by clicking here.

Important Dates:

August 26, 2024 – First Day a Candidate can raise or spend money

June 10, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. through June 24, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.  Qualification period for candidates

September 23, 2025 – Runoff Election if necessary

November 3, 2025 – Assume duties and swearing in

More Information

 Voting Districts

For election purposes, the City of Spanish Fort is divided into 5 voting districts, with one Councilmember elected to represent each district.  Candidates for election for a place on the City Council shall reside within the boundaries of the district for which he or she seeks election and shall continue to reside in the district he or she represents so long as he or she remains a member of the City Council. Candidates for election to a place on the City Council shall have resided within the district from which he or she seeks election for a period of ninety (90) days immediately preceding the date of the election. Each candidate for a district on the City Council shall in the announcement of his or her candidacy designate
by number the district for which he or she is a candidate, and no person shall be a candidate for more than one district. Only qualified voters residing within a district shall be entitled to vote for candidates seeking election for said district.


Citizens may contact the City Clerk's Office with questions regarding their district.

Links to Maps of Districts are show below:


Voting Districts of the City of Spanish Fort

District 1

District 2

District 3

District 4

District 5


An interactive map of voting districts is under construction.



© 2020 City of Spanish Fort

  • City of Spanish Fort Facebook
  • City of Spanish Fort Instagram
  • City of Spanish Fort Youtube Channel



7361 Spanish Fort Boulevard

Spanish Fort, Alabama 36527

Phone | 251-626-4884

Fax | 251-626-4880

Monday - Friday | 8 am - 4:30 pm

Saturday and Sunday | CLOSED

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