City of
Applications are open to rising public, private or homeschooled 10th, 11th and 12th grade students who reside in the Spanish Fort High School attendance zone/feeder pattern. Please complete the application packet and return to the Office of the City Clerk of the City of
Spanish Fort, Alabama, no later than April 22, 2024 by 4:30 p.m. Applications may be mailed or delivered in person to:
City of Spanish Fort
Attn: City Clerk Rebecca A. Gaines
7361 Spanish Fort Blvd.
Spanish Fort, Alabama 36527
Applications may also be emailed by email to Rebecca A. Gaines at cityclerk@cityofspanishfort.com. With your application, please include an essay no longer than two (2) double spaced pages describing your vision of the Junior City Council’s place in our community and your ideas for ways the Junior City Council can positively impact the Spanish Fort Community.
2025-2026 Junior City Council Application Packet